To say we've been working hard on the nursery is an understatement. Lots of blood, sweat and some tears (raising hand admitting guilt) to get it just how we wanted. This is what it used to look like and I'm not a boy, but I dont think this is the most welcoming nursery for a baby boy.
Actually, if you wanna really go back in time, this is what it started as back in 2004....

So we cleared it out and went to work. It's overwhelming to have a whole room as a blank canvas and all you want to write on the walls is "I LOVE YOU" and since you can't do that, the goal was to do it with paint and decorations. Oh, the decisions to be made.

I ordered FIVE different bedding sets online (who does that?) so I could see my favorite and then I was going return the rest. The only problem is that after I agonized over which 5 to order, once they all came I didn't like ANY of them!! Hence the tears and starting over from scratch. So I ordered FIVE MORE bedding sets and found one I fell in love with...finally! (wiping sweaty brow) The other 4 went back to the store and then I called in the troops to help and did they ever....

It was a true team effort from family and friends who helped me with color choices....

Lots of strategizing and big decisions were made....

David busted his tail off to get most of the hard labor finished before his elbow surgery. This saw was going on and off for hours and days...thank you!! muah!

and a nursery started to shine through...

more cutting...

and a punch of color...

service with a smile...

so many details, so little time...

lily drew this picture on her own and it's proudly displayed on his door...

and wallah it's finished...we have a nursery for Grady Wayne. His room makes me feel happy when I'm in there and I can't wait to hold him in it...drumroll please...

his picture wall that will be filled with his beautiful little face....

thanks mom for this banner which was made with so much love...

I love this adorable swag name banner I got here.

It's amazing to me to stand just outside of both rooms that are side-by-side and see our family building right before our eyes. When we were trying, it used to actually bring me pain to look upstairs at the empty rooms we so desperately wanted to fill. I seldom went up there for that reason and now it's the happiest place in the house for me. There's a sign from Bridgid that hangs above the rooms that reads "We are Blessed" and it says it all.

life is good.

Actually, if you wanna really go back in time, this is what it started as back in 2004....

So we cleared it out and went to work. It's overwhelming to have a whole room as a blank canvas and all you want to write on the walls is "I LOVE YOU" and since you can't do that, the goal was to do it with paint and decorations. Oh, the decisions to be made.

I ordered FIVE different bedding sets online (who does that?) so I could see my favorite and then I was going return the rest. The only problem is that after I agonized over which 5 to order, once they all came I didn't like ANY of them!! Hence the tears and starting over from scratch. So I ordered FIVE MORE bedding sets and found one I fell in love with...finally! (wiping sweaty brow) The other 4 went back to the store and then I called in the troops to help and did they ever....

It was a true team effort from family and friends who helped me with color choices....

Lots of strategizing and big decisions were made....
even Lily helped...have I mentioned she HAS to go in his room every night to say good night to him? Oh my precious...can't wait to see their relationship in person and not just through my belly which she randomly hugs all the time...she likes to kiss my belly too and say "lee-lee kiss gravy's hart". oh my cute.
professional chair rail painters...

David busted his tail off to get most of the hard labor finished before his elbow surgery. This saw was going on and off for hours and days...thank you!! muah!

and a nursery started to shine through...

more cutting...

and a punch of color...

service with a smile...

so many details, so little time...

lily drew this picture on her own and it's proudly displayed on his door...

and wallah it's finished...we have a nursery for Grady Wayne. His room makes me feel happy when I'm in there and I can't wait to hold him in it...drumroll please...

his picture wall that will be filled with his beautiful little face....

thanks mom for this banner which was made with so much love...

I love this adorable swag name banner I got here.

It's amazing to me to stand just outside of both rooms that are side-by-side and see our family building right before our eyes. When we were trying, it used to actually bring me pain to look upstairs at the empty rooms we so desperately wanted to fill. I seldom went up there for that reason and now it's the happiest place in the house for me. There's a sign from Bridgid that hangs above the rooms that reads "We are Blessed" and it says it all.

life is good.
OH. MY. GOODNESS. Seriously I have goose bumps. First of all, your decorating skills ROCK. Second of all, your children are SO blessed to have you and your hubby as parents. The amount of love is apparent just in reading this blog and seeing how much work you put into their special rooms. Wow Kelly! I want to see it in person! You did an outstanding job! Can't wait to meet him! :) xoxo
thank you.
it makes me so happy to see so much love.
it is absolutely perfect. and he will love it.
it's funny. i feel like i've been on this journey of sorts with you ... and it'll take everything i've got not to hop-plane and come meet the little guy when he's born.
oh mama, you are so gonna love this.
i promise.
blue is not as scary as it first seems.
Oh Kelly- what a beautiful post, a beautiful effort to prepare for this little one who is loved by so many- I am beaming for you, friend! There is nothing like the anticipation of baby....and then he arrives and it's better than you even thought it could be....I'm so happy for you. Love, hugs and kisses from NYC xxooxxo
Wowiw zowie! grady's nursery looks like it's straight out of PotteryBarn Kids! It's beautiful Kelly! Xoxo
Wow! What an awesome nursery! That really looks like a page out of a catalog, and so does Lily's. I wish I had gotten you to come up here and done Henry's room. It was also that same blue and brown, but not nearly as nice!
BTW - I love that Lily says "Gravy"!!
Perfection! so so beutiful!
aww its beautiful.. i remember sitting in our baby's nursery rubbing my big belly wonder if he would be a she or she would be a he and anticipating that arrival so bad.. and out came this beautiful girl (that I expected to have dark brown hair) with the lightest blonde haired blue eyed babe ..
so beautiful - you guys did a beautiful job and I wish you the most amazing labour
Ummm, holy shnikeys! Grady's room (and Lily's!) looks like it's from a catalog. Holy matching gorgeosity, I can't take it. You kids really have your act together and did a lot of work. What a wonderful space for your new little one. You should be really proud!
What's funny is, we've got the same house (Cielo) and AJ's room is where Grady's is and Lila's is where Lily's is, yet... If I were to run upstairs right now and take that very same photo of their rooms side-by-side? Well. Let's just say you'd see a bit of a different... aesthetic, shall we say. (One that includes, "Oh, pale blue, purple, red, and lime green DON'T match? Hm... That's weird." and "57 stuffed animals and dolls on the floor along with 17 separate motifs IS the new look, dammitt!" And, "My kids are almost 3 and have approximately 2 pictures on their walls. Total. *sigh*")
Ha. Great stuff. I can't wait for Grady to get here, already!
Looking at their rooms side by side . . .instant tears!
So beautiful and special, what a journey it has been:)
Can't wait to meet "Gravy"
Love him already:)))
OH can feel the love......I will be thinking of you through all of the nexty month.....wish I was there!
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!!!! My favorite picture is the last one with both rooms side by side. Makes my heart melt!!! Love you!
Last pic is totally my favorite...that split pic that represents so much more. Two rooms, two loves, two journeys. Aw...I can't imagine how exciting it is right now for you to wait with everything ready! xoxo
p.s.'s beautiful!!
loving it kel.....the nursery is just perfect. the last picture is amazing....what memories will be made in those two rooms. brother and sister. how special! the chair rail is awesome on the walls. cant wait to c it in person. xoxo
oh, that room is stunning. being in the room was so special. took me back to standing in lily's room with a blindfold on...ha!
beautiful. david rocks, so does your family!!!
i can relate with the side-by-side room shot...
it's huge, the realization. blue and pink, i can't stand the excitement! i want to meet grady.
love you.
I have chill bumps. The room is stunning! I love the colors, picture frames, everything!
HOLY NURSERY! It's breathtaking....something you would see out of a magazine. Nothin but perfection, Kelly! Can't wait to meet baby Grady.
This room is simply perfect. Grady is going to feel so loved
by this little family that has worked so hard to be complete.
You and David have worked steadily to make your life the
way you want it to be. And this room reflects all the love and
hard work that has been a part of all of this.
You will be the best parents, as you are to Lily, and she will
be the PROUDEST big sister. I can’t wait to see that all
happen and I’m so glad to have been a part of making this room
as special as it is.
Amazing job on Grady's room! So glad to hear that your family is growing and your little girl is so adorable and loving. Can't wait to see pics of both of them. All the best wishes for you and your family :)
OMG what a beautiful nursery! I just stumbled across your blog which is divine. Funnily enough my daughters name is aso Lily and even more cool is that she has a strawberry hemangioma on her left shoulder too! :)
Good luck for your little prince, I am sure he will be beautiful!
OMG what a beautiful nursery! I just stumbled across your blog which is divine. Funnily enough my daughters name is aso Lily and even more cool is that she has a strawberry hemangioma on her left shoulder too! :)
Good luck for your little prince, I am sure he will be beautiful!
I only helped a little in making Grady’s room to what it is today . . . but I sure enjoyed helping Kelly & David as they put the same L.O.V.E. into Grady’s Room as they did in Lily’s . . . and I got such a warm feeling knowing how much love Grady will receive . . . just look at Lily . . . L.O.V.E. just pours out of her eyes!
Love Ya!
Dad & Grandpa
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