Gas money per doctor visit…….$51
Endless Blood Draws…….$188
Daily Ultrasounds…….$243
Weekly Acupuncture.......$85
Home Pregnancy Tests…….$15.99
Finding out we're pregnant and crying like a baby…….PRICELESS
YES, WE ARE PREGNANT!! THANK GOD!! I haven't posted because I didn't want my family to find out through the blog and they check it about 15 times a day (conservative #). Our beta #'s have been strong and encouraging and we have our first u/s next Friday, 8/10. Can you say "NERVOUS"?
We will see the heartbeat at this visit and this is where we found out it was a blighted ovum last time. I try not to go back to last time and tell myself it was a fluke that miscarriages happens in 1 in 5 pregnancies, but it's still hard to go back to that cliff again where we fell off so miserably that we should've been hospitalized with our cuts, bruises, and broken hearts. Can you go to the hospital for a broken heart?
Anyway, it's an exciting time in the Hutcheson household. Everything feels a little bit lighter and life seems more meaningful. It's a beautiful feeling that we're holding onto with all of our hearts. Please keep praying that we soar through these precious first few months and throughout our pregnancy!! It has gotten us this far and we want to keep that momentum alive!!
For those of you in the IVF world, here are my digits
Beta 15DPO-216
Beta 19DPO-1613
Doubling time-33 hours
We're very happy with our numbers and hope that this luck and good blessing continues throughout our pregnancy and beyond....
Anyway, I haven't been as vocal this time around so if you're finding out through the blog, this is the reason! Not a lot of people know. Thank you for caring and praying for us!!
Life is Good!
Here is to doubling numbers!
I think of you every day and will be even more so in the next 9 months....I love you both!
Congrats and what good numbers. I have been anxiously waiting to hear and I am so happy for you. We go tomorrow to start IVF and this is the kind of story that I need to hear before we start. I'll be thinking of you and praying that everything stays the way it should be.
Nicki Hansley
Congratulations! Prayers for a wonderful pregnancy and the arrival of "Baby Hutcheson". :)
Im so happy it worked out...congrats!
Congrats!! I was so hoping that the long wait for a post meant good things!
Those are lovely numbers. I'm so happy for you. Take care.
Love all these supportive friends new and old. I am tearing up again....
My heart is so happy for you and David. You have such a loving supportive family and wonderful friends...it shows...God will bless you with peace and joy Kell. Love, Jazzy Janet
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