Monday, December 04, 2006

Telling the Family!

We told the family about our plans to move forward with IVF and they're reactions were just what we needed! There were gasps, tears, hugs, well wishes, congratulations, and just a lot of love! Just perfect!! They are just the best!

We gave them each a petri dish and wrote this little poem:

We need your support,
We need your love.
We’re trying something different
To get our gift from above.

We love you so much
And couldn’t do this alone.
We may need a hug or cry
Or call you on the phone.

We’re taking a big step
And need you to pray.
We feel that doing IVF
Is our only way.

It’s just around the corner
The new year 2007
We’ll give it our all
To get our miracle from heaven

We Love You!

We have an appt tomorrow at 10:30 to go over the protocol for the next 2-3 months. I'll post when I know more - this does help writing all my thoughts and feelings.
If you're looking into IVF, here's a great website to order a video that follows 3 couples going through IVF... - Most of our support system has seen it so it helps them to understand the process as well. Here's another website that might touch on how you feel...

I'll post when I know more after our appt tomorrow :)

1 comment:

Kelly Hutcheson said...
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