Sunday, December 10, 2006

Computer Help!

If you're wondering why you're not seeing our most updated blog, it's probably bc your computer has kept an old version of this blog in its "cache" or "using old cookies" so I have the solution to remedy up the blog, then hold down the control key on your keyboard WHILE hitting the refresh button on your screen. (In AOL, it's the circular arrow at the top)

You could also try opening the blog in Internet Explorer.
Clearing your cache on a regular basis will help this problem and on other's more info:

Here's how you clear your cache' in Internet Explorer. This is good to do regularly.

How to Clear a Browser's Cache on a PC
A full cache can slow down your browser. Be sure to empty it regularly.
Internet Explorer Version 5
STEP 1: Select Internet Options from the Tools menu. STEP 2: Click on General tab.
STEP 3: Click on Delete Files. STEP 4: Click on OK

PS You can also leave comments at the end of any post which I'd love to read!!

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