We lounged by the pool, floated the lazy river, played games, pored over rag magazines, dozed in hammocks (not together, we're close, but not that close-lol), played DJ, had deep talks about life and love and boy did we laugh. We're like a comedian team with our timing, one liners, zingers and jokes like they were scripted. That all leads to a lot of fun and a very full love cup!

We relaxed...like a lot...

and made sure our toes were in tip-top shape...

Did I mention we laughed? like, a lot...

They say you can pick your friends but you can't pick your relatives. The crazy thing about that saying is that these are the very same people I'd pick as my family if I could.
Why are our drinks on "E" in ever picture?

Music was the theme of the weekend. Jen brought Katie's IPOD boom box (Thank you Katie Bug!!) and we were jamming to Katie's favorite tunes. One minute, we'd pick the sappiest of songs to listen to, be crying at the lyrics, passing out tissues, then the next minute we'd find the best teen dance song and shaking our booty to Katie's hip hop music. Have you seen the wedding dance done down the aisle yet? If not, check out this video. I was laughing and had happy tears rolling down my cheeks the first time I saw this...What a neat way to start their life together...with lots of laughter. I was SO inspired by this!
if the box doesn't play click here
I wish I had my video camera for the reenactment of that video, but I couldn't give up my cruical role in the dance, but I did manage to snap this picture. We all recreated the aisle dance. Molly had the moves down the best of everyone. I swear she practiced them before she came.

There were many belly laughs to say the least...
Important Notable Note I'd like to note about this Note: I did not wear this hat with this outfit. lol:)

I can't believe these friends double as my sisters! How did I get so lucky?

It was one of those weekends that leave you feeling loved, refreshed, fulfilled, happy and all ooey-gooey inside.

Life is Good
I love the smiles and the dancing and those sexy toes! Sounds like you had a blast! Lucky girl to have such a fun family!
ps- I LOVE that video, I watched it twice and cried. Wish we would have done something like that!
I love the idea of a girls weekend. What fun it is to be with sisters and a mom that can have fun with the girls.
Love that you guys do this every year...and that you all get along and have so much fun with each other! and someday, lily and grace and katie can join you! and real laughing pics always make me smile!
I love that you are so close with your family. It's so important and you're blessed to have such an amazing group of women you can call your family and best friends.
What a weekend!!! Such a blast! I am so glad we all realize how lucky we are to have this kind of bond and capitalize on it as much as possible. You all are such amazing women and I learn from you everytime we get together.
Katie, thanks for the tunes!!!!!
I am counting down the days til next time . . .
Love you all!!!
how fun!!! i know you guys look forward to this every year...so worth the wait in laughs and fun!!!
i really need to check into the hyatt. that place looks incredible!
How special that this is a yearly event?! Your hats, toes, dance moves...WOW! And that video is by far awesome, Matt showed it to me a while ago and I am so jealous. You girls are beautiful.
Well, imagine if you girls feel lucky - just imagine how I feel!!! You are all the very BEST in your very own unique ways. It is always SO MUCH FUN!!! So many giggles and warmth. I am the luckiest lady EVER!!! I am so proud of your beauty and values and personalities. I love you all endlessly.
This is incredible.......I can only imagine the realness (is that a word) of that weekend.....you are all so very lucky!
Beautiful Women....inside and out!
Knowing ya’all were having a great time means a lot to me . . . the closeness you feel for each other as sisters and us as your parents is something very special . . . it’s something I cherish and I’m so proud to be your Father!
Now about those “wedding dancers” . . . I can almost see “the look” from Mabel and Grace!
Love Ya!
Dad & Grandpa
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