
She was so wiped out from all the play, but seem to think the crib in the hotel was a bed of nails so sleeping on our chest was the only way she wanted to nap while we were there. It was heaven! She felt like a newborn again as she burrowed her head in my neck (or Davids) and it was magical to sway in a hammock while she slept, all the while listening to her breathing her heavy breaths.

or snuggled up in the sling as we both napped under a shady tree...

Then she was ready to play again. It didn't matter where. We had so much fun in this golf green grass until a wild football pass came our direction alongwith the intended receiver barreling his way to catch it. The only problem is that our backs were turned and were tackled like we were in the NFL. Lily was inches away from me and didn't get hurt because the receiver tackled me going for the ball and then I took Lily down with me. It was like a scene from a movie. A horror movie! It was awful! There were lots of tears. None from Lily. All from her mom! I was hurt, shocked, shaken up, and then I went into the "what if's" with Lily so close to me, but Lily just looked at me with her big blue eyes like she was telling me she was ok and everything was alright. sigh. See how happy she looks! She looks like she's on watch for more random flying footballs.

( I love her cute little smile she shoots at me)¤t=Jun062009-VID00002.flv

and don't even get me started with the Lazy River! That is thee destination spot for me once I get to the Hyatt. I dream of it before, during and after our trip! There is nothing like it. Then to have Lily on my lap who sits as still as statue babbling the whole way is too good to be true! And I'm safe from wild footballs too!¤t=VID00018.flv¤t=VID00018.flv
Standing under this fountain was like a tranqulizer for Lily when she wanted to nap! It was like her sound machine on crack! It also makes a nice backdrop for a family picture.

cue the crisp white dress in the bright green grass

...thanks Heidi for this sparkling white bday dress...we put 17 bibs on her while she ate dinner!! Dresses take on a whole new life now that she's walking...

I wish I was a professional photographer because there were photo shoot sites all over creation! I swear I could've taken her in the bathroom stall for a backdrop! They were everywhere!!

This time last year with a cuddly newborn...

and then!

Life is good!
What a great tradition Kelly! It looks like David's uniform has changed slightly from 2008...It's like one of those "Can U See The Difference Photos" in a gossip mag. I say gossip mag because you are one HOT lookin' couple - with an adorable baby!
What a great weekend it must have been . . . Lily navigating the fountain in the kiddy pool was hysterical . . .
Seems like she enjoys searching out new things to do on her own . . . but all the while knowing that you and David provide her with a “safe haven of love!”
A parent is content knowing their child is healthy . . . seeing their child with a big smile . . . and knowing they look to you for unconditional love and a “warm place to land” . . . and that’s Lily for sure!
Love Ya!
Dad & Grandpa
P.S. Loved the picture of Lily in her white dress . . . hat and shoes . . . and with the background of the green grass and the fountain . . . Well . . . she made my heart melt!
You don't need to be a pro photographer...they're great! Little Lily walking is just fantastic. I love the golf course photos and the one of you both snoozing. So sweet. I so adore watching Margot in the water and get only very few opportunities to do it! It was starting to get warm but only 50 today...another month and we find a pool.
oh.... my..... gosh! This is one of my favorite posts yet!! You got some awesome shots!! When I saw the picture of her as a newborn, I saw the picture before I read the caption and I thought "wow she looks so much bigger when she's standing up" and then saw the comment that that was a year ago! LOL! I'm a moron! Glad you had a nice time!!
Wow- get me to that Hyatt...I'm sold! Wouldn't it be awesome if we all hung out there with all the babes since Lily is practically the exact same age as our babes!? Now you've got me dreaming of that lazy river!
Haven't been to your blog since her 1st birthday--my how Lily has grown!!
I love your pictures--you are very good all own your own!! Love your scrapbooking too...wish I could do digital scraps like that!
I hope you're alright from the tackle. Thank goodness Lily didn't take the brunt of it!
The Hyatt holds a special place in our hearts. It's where my hubby proposed to me. We try to make it there on special occasions.
Looks like you had a great time celebrating Your Mother's Day! You all look outstanding.
What a great weekend you had at the Hyatt. You took some amazing pictures. The one with her in the white dress with the water foutain in the background, WOW.
(ps, love that magazine game)
Still laughing!!
All three of you look beautiful! And Lily looks so TALL in that last picture...long-legs-mcgee! So glad you got to experience another mama day at your favorite place! Great shots, pretty-pretty baby, and happy day! And yay for Lily being okay after getting knocked out!
Sorry...David doesn't look beautiful. Handsome. Bwah ha.
great pics and videos! love the last pic of lily, it looks professional! great job!
You are living your dream!!
What a great place!! I can't believe how big Lily is and to see pics of her standing and walking... AMAZING!!
Donna (bbc)
A vacation away from home, love it! I so have to go! I love the pics of Lily in her white dress....holy bright colors. Did you edit? What did you use? And how sweet her cuddled in her sling with you. Love the family memories.
Could it have been any more perfect? Well, maybe not getting bulldozed by the football player might have been a plus, but EVERYTHING else was so great for you guys. OMG. I know why you love that place and to experience it with pre-toddler Lily was the best, best. So happy to see you all so happy.
i love these pictures. the colors are so pretty.
i love a plain white dress on a sweet on lily.
you have me SOLD on the hyatt. i really want to try out the river.
Ooooo...I'm so jealous! :) Since my trip there last year with my David's work, I've been dreaming of going back! It's like a wonderful paradise get-away, right in our own back yard! Someday...I'm going to go back there!
Love, love, love the pic of Lily in the white dress...looks like a professional photo to me! You did a great job, Mama! ;)
OMG do I adore that white dress.
L...O...friggin' L on david wearing the same shirt for the picture. You know he planned that. NOT.
I'm so happy you made memories again at Club Hyatt...something tells me that Lily will be giving you that gift for years to come!!
OMG...imagine her little five-year-old self running around there??!! What the!!
Love you three so much!!
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