Sunday, August 03, 2008

Friends Forever

You know those friends who you don't see for awhile, but when you do, it's like you picked up right where you left off and no time has passed?

Years could go by, but when you are with them, it's like you saw them just yesterday?

The friend you can tell anything to, be your quirky self and they love you no matter what?

The friend who knows everything about you and cares about all the minute details of your life?

The kind of friend who makes you laugh so hard, your stomach hurts, eyes water, and almost pee your pants?


this is that friend!!


Allison and I met in 6th grade in 1986 and have been best of friends ever since!! We were INSEPERABLE in middle and high school together!! Her little boy Chase is SO adorable and she is such a good mommy to him! She has a little one on the way in just 7 more weeks!! The gender is still a mystery!! It was neat to see her as a mom!


I think Lily and Chase had just as much fun as their mommies did!!

As teenagers, we used to sit around talking about "10 years from now" and guess who'd get married first, how many babies we'd have, talk about them playing together and names we liked for our kids. We changed our last name to hear what it sounded like with our latest crush. It was so neat to finally be at that place in our lives...last name changed, babies in tow and still best of friends! I'm a better person for knowing Allison!!

Thanks for making the trip to meet Lily; the baby you prayed for for so long!! We BOTH love you lots!!

Until next time...HUGS!!


Steph C said...

Ah that brought tears to my eyes! Sam and I are sitting on my big comfy chair with Skye and trying to catch up on your blog:) Love the pictures and love your srapebooking pages!

Kelle said...

I feel lucky for getting to meet her...even though I so felt like i already knew her. Love her! So happy you had this time!

Jennifer said...

Awwww, I love this. Allison is woven into so many of our family memories, too. Love it!!

kcolquitt said...

ok, so why does your blog look like an annie leibovitz show?? wow!

Kara said...

There's nothing better than spending time with good friends...except maybe sharing your families and watching your children become as close as the two of you are! I know you had a great time together!

Heidi said...

i love old-dear-sister like- tell everything too-gone through so much together-friends!!!! it is like going full circle...i love the pics. I can't wait to hear what the gender is!!!

Delenn said...

Great pictures. Amazing how some relationships last lifetimes. And now, with the children--there is another connection.

sara said...

Great pictures! Absolutely beautiful. And I ditto what you say about having friends that you've had forever - and you can just pick up where you left off. THose are the best type :-)

Jessica said...

Oh very cool! Looks like you really enjoyed your time together!! :) Oh and I LOVE her little boys name... hee hee!