Saturday, December 05, 2009

Gobble Gobble

Is it illegal to predate posts so they'll appear timely on the blog? If so, then I just committed a felony! Our Thanksgiving was great, but we hopped on a jet plane right afterwards for a 2nd holiday celebration, therefore I'm a little tardy. (turning in note from parents)

"Tardy for the Party" (shaking and dancing in my seat, holding hairbrush as microphone) as the Atlanta Housewives once sang offkey. That's a catchy song so now it's in my head. Everytime I sing it to Lily I get a deadpan face like this. Like I'm nuts. I think she's onto me already at a ripe young age of 20 months! (gulp, we're in the 20's people?)

But really our Turkey day was great. We all ate WAY too much and it seemed like only the kids were smart enough to run it off while we just all laid around like stuffed hippos in the game Hungry Hungry Hippo. God, I love that game. I mean, God I lovED that game as in past tense(trying to appear mature)Photobucket

Well, Grandpa skipped his tryptophan induced nap (well, postponed it) just to play Lily's favorite game of chase. Now that's love.

Lily has a new obsession with washing dishes. She started doing at school while the teachers are changing diapers. She feels helpful washing dishes in the nearby sink while the teachers change the smelly diapers one after another. If I'm her, I'd rather be playing with dolls and read books, but that's my girl... loving to do chores just like her mommy. (nose growing profusely) If she's in a 30 foot radius of a sink, she'll say "wah-do" for water, pointing and pleading to wash dishes. Is it too early to be arrested for breaking child labor laws? If so, Grandma is going straight to the slammer.

I think Grandma has been sniffing some rubber cement because she finds herself acting like the crazy grandma engaging in all the kids' activities. She might go straight to the looney bin after this picture; isn't there an age limit on these toys? I think I see some patient kids waiting their turn in the background. (actually a sweet picture, just in a poking fun mood)

and Lily can't get enough of her cousins. She wants to be just like them and truly looks up to them. literally.

and she knows she's "Baby Lily" when she's around them. Yes, she knows how to feed herself and wouldn't let me feed her if I tried. Like-would-bat-my-hand-away-violently if I tried and say "mine". But, all the rules change when cousin Grace has the spoon.

I love seeing them together playing and laughing like they are brother and sister. (or sister and sister in this picture)

while the kids were snoozing, we didn't hit the snooze button and had some retail therapy on Black Friday - never gotten up that early to shop so I had to buy a $1 hat at target to cover up the bird's nest upon my head. My teeth still felt furry because I literally rolled out of bed straight into the car. Case in point. Just look. Don't ask.

So yea, some serious memories were made. I don't know how we got so lucky with our family. Hit the family lottery superball jackpot. We laughed, told stories, cried at Chili's, hung out, snuggled and held hands. a lot.


Feeling more thankful than ever.
Life is good!


Kimberly said...

Love Lily's cold weather sweater, tights and hat, love the pig-tales, the swing pic with Gram, the child laboe picture too - but just can't let go of mommy in the shopping cart, you are my favorite person... you make me smile and laugh so hard. Thanks for that chickie.

Mary said...

Yes, memories were made that weekend, along with last weekend when I was in Naples. You talk about jackpots - your dad and literally hit the jackpot with you girls, and then, as the world goes "full circle" the grandkids. I feel like the luckiest lady around!

Kelle said...

love the picture of grace feeding lily! ...and katie looks so little in that one pic. :o) lilpie is getting so big. four more months and two? really.

Anna Ruth said...

I don't know what park you were at, but it looked like so much fun. The colors were great in your pictures. Glad you were able to make memories with your family.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!