Sunday, June 03, 2007

As I Look Into My Crystal Ball...

Many friends and family know the ball is rolling, but want to know what comes next. As I look into my crystal ball, this is what I see:
I'm on CD 7 today waiting to ovulate - once I ovulate (using a ovulator predictor kit), I will call the dr. and they will start me on Lupron suppression shots approx. 8 days after - then I'll get another period and start stimulation. If I had to guess (not that I've analzyed my calendar or anything- ha ha), this is what I think...

Ovulate - 6/10
Lupron Suppression Shots - Begin 6/18
Next Period 6/25
Stimulation Shots Begin - 6/29
Egg Retrieval - 7/11
Implantation 7/15 (bedrest to follow)
Pg Test -8/1
These dates are just a rough estimate using our first IVF cycle as a guide. All dates are guesses and just the big dates - there are going to be LOTS AND LOTS of doctor appointments before, during and after these dates! Thank goodness I don't have to work during it all! This will turn into my summer job - too bad I'm not getting paid for it! If we get pg, that'll be the best summer job I've ever had!!! wow! what a summer it'll be!!!! Thanks for caring and praying!!

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