Monday, June 27, 2011

story time...

I'm inundated with pictures so let's take a story break story from Lily...I love this little voice and I know I'll yearn to hear it one day in a few years so I run the video camera around the clock trying to capture the cuteness, but know it'll never do it justice; there's nothing that can quite replace this voice matched with her big blue eyes staring right through you at the same time..

same video; different upload process...

if you can't see it click here

and since I'm an equal opportunity employer (ala parent), here's our cutie pie who does this from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to sleep and I simply can't believe our luck that we get to be with him everyday.

can't see the cuteness, click here

life is good :)


Anonymous said...

These two - OMG - they are simply, absolutely, no question, AWESOME.

I might be a little biased.

jen said...

seriously? those are just about the two most adorable children i have ever seen.
purplesat purplesat. ohmygoodness. what a sweetheart. and then when she went all around and forgot and remembered them on the last page? i may have teared up just a little.

and then his giggles? you killed me with cute.