With both of us working full-time, it makes our time with Lily that much more precious and kicks our quality time with her into overdrive. I came home from the store and did some spying on my 2 favorite people...this was taken behind the glass sliders and I only wish I had them both mic'd up to hear all the details of their plan. I always imagined David would be an involved and good daddy, but their bond is like nothing I ever expected. When we were trying for years to get pg, I used to dream of seeing/hearing them together and I guess I didn't dream big enough. He makes me a better mom.

working hard on a tower of blocks they eventually got as high as Lily is tall...

I could've watched them for hours...until I got busted...and then joined in on the reindeer games...

So I got the bright idea and pulled out some art supplies, but something went terribly awry...

This picture is also taken through a glass window, but NOT in our backyard thank goodness...see this furry friend?

This is Lily's-I'm-not-sure-about-this-he-doesn't-look-like-my-furry-friend-cat, Charley-that-I'm-used-to face...

You guessed it, we went to the zoo and it was Africa hot, but the grown ups seemed to be the only ones feeling the pain...Lily could've stayed there all day...

David thought it'd be funny to play
cootchie-cootchie-coo with the tiger. Yes, he was actually tickling the tiger, talking to him like he was real and laughing like a 10 year old...too bad it got Lily's attention too. She's looking at him like he's crazy as I'm talking like a ventriloquist to act normal for the picture...

Take 2...my tickling of Lily's leg distracted her from his "hey tiger, you want a nice scratch right there where it feels good?". Yes, he is actually scratching wood.

One cool thing about having Lily at school with me is she gets to take impromptu visits to Aunt Jennifer's classroom which looks like Disney World...sometimes she visits with her class or sometimes just with me. Her favorite thing to do is play school like she's done it all her life.
like she is saying "Ok, everyone, here is today's lesson..."

pay attention people...

I think she thinks she owns the joint at school...her teacher takes daily pictures and occasional videos and sends them randomly to their missing mommas...here she is making sure all the bills are paid up to date...

miss kim told us that lily is such a creature of habit (coughcoughlikedavidcoughcough) that as soon as she is finished with her lunch, she grabs her blanket and starts to prepare her area for naptime - oh my cute.
and after many hours of jabbering on her cell phone (like her momma) she decides to call it quits... this is what we call "Hutch-----Out"...

and then refreshed and ready for dress up time...she looks like laura ingalls here...lol

and boy does she love her leah bug...insists on giving her kisses good-bye when we leave and leah goes to Lily to wake her up when naptime is over, they are buds...although right now they're in a bit of a love triangle with G-man, but I think they'll work through it...haha
(nice dress wy-ha)

Lily loves her teachers and has a special bond with Mrs. Kim thinking her lap has a reserved sign on it that reads "Lily Parking Only"...here she is following her every move while she's outside...

hanging with her other buds...I just love this smile she captured here of her happiness while socializing with the other kiddos. They all get along so well and the energy in the room is always so loving. She looks like she's in kindergarten here!

Being away from her during the day is hard, but knowing how loved she is by her teachers and friends gives me that warm fuzzy feeling...and seeing her run up to me at the end of the day like she's in a race to the finish line in a full-out smiling sprint makes my love cup overflow and pour onto the floor.
(note to self: get that on video)I can't believe she's ours.
Life is good!