I found these gem of pictures in the kinder pic vault and can't believe she will be going into first grade next year! Kindergarten was a game changing year for Lily as she gained confidence, bravery and her learning went to another level. She worked so hard and conquered a lot of fears she has in social settings. She went from someone who shied away from bday parties and playdates to someone who begs for them and is ready and waiting by the door when it is time. I love her heart and when she loves someone, she loves deeply!

big day and all smiles

Grady asks "where is lily" almost every hour everyday when she was at school

K is for kindergarten!

chalkboard sign was a cute idea i saw on pinterest

checking out the digs

To say we loved her teacher is A HUGE UNDERSTATEMENT!!!

be still my much gratitude for her teacher!

if daddy was nervous, you sure couldn't tell

Lily seemed pretty cool too

prepping her the night before and she got "Brave Shoes" to help her feel brave

she was super nervous all summer but once meet your teacher came she was so excited

she's the type of kid who gets very nervous about the unknown so once she checked it all out and realized it was safe, then so was her heart

Life is good in Kindergarten!!!! On to First Grade!!
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