Monday, August 29, 2011

SC Continued

somehow these pictures were left out of the south carolina trip and too cute not to post...
hello, deep in thought picture...
run, forest, run...

nothing cuter than a baby in a diaper...

see what i mean?

david and duane rocked in this chair when they were a baby. Dottie and her mom rocked in it too. Okay and you ready for some more history? Dottie's mom's mom rocked in it too. Woah!

some Japanese in the food, not us....

Happy Birthday to my sweet hubby who is out of town today on his special day. He'll be gone a lot more with his new job which will be an adjustment for everyone. Having many mixed emotions about it all realizing that distance really does make the heart grow fonder and really putting the word quality in the time when we are together.

life is good.

1 comment:

The Manrings said...

love that first picture sweet you and your girl. lots of beautiful green woodsy trees...gotta love that. and duh...a baby as cute as Grady in his diaper...adorable. glad that was such a special trip. xoxo