can i just tell you how much i love summer? this cold weather is for the birds imho, but i know I'm in the minority and i know it's not that cold, but i long for these days back.
sharing is caring.
we got lily season passes to her favorite water park for her bday and she's going to flip the lid when she finds out...
one of her dresses from her pal Jessica :)
the lady colored lily's ear lobe and Lil thought that was it and commented that wasn't so bad, but little did she know then big kapow was still to come.
how can you not just love this face?
movie night under the stars…blurry i know
"Gma taught me to climb trees mommy."
the electrical box used to be home base when we were kids and now it's a dance floor.
water park fun
Douglas' shirt…just a tad too big right now, but not for long. bucket boy seems stuck.
just a little bit longer until she can ride the slides…this isn't her favorite water park i meant, but it's in the top 3
we always find him in the strangest predicaments
must focus.
i feel like this pic was already on here, but it's too cute not to post again.
grady was sickie, but super snuggly
this is how i found him randomly during the day. too weak to even play
and berry sweepy
life is good.