Friday, August 15, 2008

4 Months

We took these on August 4th and Kelle reminded me this is kinda like her golden birthday because she's 4 months old and was born on the 4th. Allison loved celebrating my golden birthday when I turned 17. Right Allison? teehee

Ok, technically, her golden birthday is when she turns 4 years old, but this is close.

She looks like a french painter here...

Big thank you to Stephanie!! Steph let me borrow this Inspi(red) shirt and I wore it to difficult doctor appointments when going through IVF. It helped to give me strength and push through the tough times. I knew somehow, some way, somewhere, we'd have a baby at the end of our struggles. I just didn't know how.

Look what I found for Lily to wear too. :)



And in honor of her 4 month birthday, guess who wanted to celebrate?

I love those ruffle bloomers and wish she could wear them everyday.

I can't remember a 4 month span in my life that has made me happier. She is magical to be with.

Life is good.

Really good. (happy sigh)


  1. Oh, I love the matching shirt picture!! And BIG Kudos to David for off-centering you and yet still maintaining focus! (proud smile and patting him on back). It's only gunna get better, as if that seems possible. Keep smilin', Lily! We love you!

  2. ILOVE the new does Heather (my sis)!!!
    matching shirts are to cute and her little face gets prettier every time i see her. i can't WAIT to see her next week...makes it easier to come home!!! xoxo love you!

  3. She is absolutely scrumptious and changing so much:) LOVE her expression in the first matching outfit picture!! Can't wait to see her again soon!!! I miss her!!!!

    Love yous!
    Aunt Molly

  4. First of all, I love that she is rolling over but more importantly, love that she is rolling over in her little ruffled bloomers! So cute.

  5. Lily just keeps getting cuter and you look great!! Love the pic with the matching tops!

    Donna in PA

  6. Too cute! I love the it! You need to blow it up! We all know you would have a babe Kelly and she is more perfect and amazing then we had all prayed for! God is good:) xoxoxo

  7. Too cute! I love the it! You need to blow it up! We all know you would have a babe Kelly and she is more perfect and amazing then we had all prayed for! God is good:) xoxoxo

  8. Happy for months sweet girl. She is so gorgeous!!!! Our babies are the same age.

  9. Look at her all rolling over.

    Her little smile reminds me so much of Margot!

    She is exactly half bug's age this month. That won't ever happen again!
