Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Tough Life...

Lily is a DREAM sleeper!! We're so lucky in this department! I think she gets it from her sleepy mommy who loves 8+ hours every night and loves her naps everyday!!

When she sleeps, she is out for the count! The smoke alarm could go off and she wouldn't flinch! There's no need to tiptoe around her, that's for sure!

Here are some cute pictures I snapped of her wiped out from being all of 8 weeks old!!

These are just as you see them; no posing here, I promise!! She actually makes me sleepy just looking at these.


Chill with Lil'

I think I need a nap!



  1. OH MY WORD Kelly-those pictures ROCK my world!!! Those are amazing. I love that arm up pose...tough day at the office...LOL I love how beautiful she is...how much you love her.


  2. Had to come back...these pics are so-with-out-a-doubt some of my most favorites:) LOVE them.

  3. My little one sleeps with his arms just like that....so cute.

  4. Those pics are amazing! Your photography and digital editing is getting better and better with each post! I so need to break down and get MDIS! PS Elements is a bear to work with sometimes.

  5. WHAAAAAAAAAT!? THOSE PICS ARE RIDICOUSLY, (btw...is that a word, dunno), OUT-OF-CONTROL, ADORABLE! I can't believe that she sleeps like that....ESPECIALLY the one where she has her hands behind her head! OMG...what a love! :o)

  6. Kelly, you're going to have to teach me how to get the video from my camera onto Paige's blog??? Love the sleeping pose!

  7. had to come back to see the amazing sleepy pics again. she looks like a doll! sooo adorable!

  8. the headband in the first pic is great! she looks so darn peaceful...not a worry in the world!

  9. Yes, Kel, you can add a link which will inspire me to do more.

  10. So cute! Enjoy it now. Because no matter how good they sleep in the beginning, once they start crawling and walking they just don't stop!!! It is still so great! I need to do some fancy stuff like that for Olive's pictures!
