Sunday, February 17, 2008

Turn On Your Speakers and Vote!!

I've included some of the songs that will be playing in the hospital room for the big day!! I need your help picking one song to play during the actual delivery.

You can listen to them all or click on a new song to preview it. Some may like to have it playing in the background while at work or home. I have the music set for "random" so the songs won't ever play in the same order.

Let me know which songs "speak to you" and any others that I may be missing. There are so many great songs out there that it's hard to narrow down to 20+ for a CD.

Is it too early to pack our bags for the hospital? teehee

pregnancy due date
Lilypie Expecting a baby PicLilypie Expecting a baby Ticker


  1. Let the tally begin...

    I vote for...


  2. Kelly, check out the song "The Gift" by Jim Brickman sung by Martina McBride and Jim Brickman. It's so beautiful and he has such an amazing voice.

  3. This is a HUGE decision! I can still remember you frantically asking me SECONDS before I pushed, "Which song? Which song?" and I, in a moment of crazed anticipatory bliss changed my mind last minute and yelled, "NUMBER TWO!!!!" (so you can always change your mind if you're feelin' a different song moments before!) I just went through each song, listened to the first 20 seconds or so and closed my eyes...imagined your faces, imagined the little warmer bed all ready for her, imagined nurses scurrying, you pushing, and tiny cries filling the room with the music. (CAN'T BELIEVE THAT's SIX WEEKS AWAY!) I can hear it in "Bless the Broken Road" but the guitar gets a little bombastic at the end so icksnay on that one... Love The Chicks too...but my two favorites are still Plumb's "Me" and Brian Adams...whichever one you don't use will be my next birth song. Brian Adams' song just strikes a chord with my heart, Man. Instant tears on that one. Whew! Should have just e-mailed you...this is a book!

  4. OMG....what great song choices. My vote is for Lullaby by the Dixie Chicks. Kelly, I got goosebumps, after hearing the 1st chord!!! It is a BEAUTIFUL song, with incredible lyrics!!! That's my 1st choice...2nd choice would probably be Jason Aldean's song! :o)

    I am sooooooo excited to meet your sweet Lily Grace!!!

    ~ Lovin the Lyrics Lavin :o)

  5. I have to vote for Cindy Morgan bc she's best friends with one of my friends! But really, I love her song. And like Kelle said, you can decide when you're there. Just have a bunch all one cd.

  6. Hey, I just thought of Stevie Wonder's, "Isn't She Lovely."

  7. Hi Aunt Kelly, I think you should play Jason Aldean; Laughed Until We Cried. That is my all time favorite.

  8. The one that says hi Aunt Kelly is me Allison. I forgot to put my mane at the end.

  9. Hey Kelly,
    Great them all..and think they are all worthy to welcome Lily into your/our world. However, I have to choose the classic Somewhere over the Rainbow/It's a Wonderful World, as the rainbow has already blessed sweet Lily.

  10. I listened to them all...and sit here in a puddle of tears. I imagined pushing, David holding your hand, the lights, nurses rushing around, Dr. Thompson and his calm voice coaching you through the final pushes...every song captures just a little bit of the magic that you will feel on that day. I truly feel that no matter what the song is in the background, you will be in the happiest, most profound moment of your lives together.
    There is no moment like seeing your child's face, kissing her head, and smelling her in for the first time. I literally cannot wait for you to experience such joy.

    The songs that "spoke to me" (i.e., yielded the most tears), were two in a tie..."When you Love Someone" and Dixie Chicks' "Lullabye". They both have incredibly meaningful lyrics, and have that steady, calm beat that is comforting and fitting for the final moments of labor. matter what song you choose...the moment Lily comes into this world will be BLISS. It's already destined to happen. :)

    I love you!!
